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There are three ideal platforms for promoting general research. We will collaborate with all three to faciliate faster and more effective research.


- netvibes

- facebook

- twitter



Sponsor temporary Netvibes accounts as prizes for SkyePack contests. Post graduate research is beginning to use SMM for promotion of thesis topics.



Facebook and Twitter

Sponsor SMM campaign on Facebook and Twitter also as prizes for SkyePack contests.




Exploration SkyePack in Papua New Guinea is a niche market and requires special attention in terms of marketing.


Due to the decentralized consumers (researchers around the globe), Social Media Marketing (SMM) is the best way to communicate to groups with specific research interests but geographically exclusive.


The purpose of SMM is to attract more research to the area. Team 4 has identified the following groups that will benefit most from our targetted marketing:

- National Geographic

- Center for Research in Language

- New Species Research Groups

Social Media Marketing in Papua New Guinea- Exploration



Leveraging our social media presence and strength, we will offer week long SMM campaigns to eligible winners.






Performance will be directly linked growth of participants in the contests and growth of new SkyePack subscribers from the target market groups.


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