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Exploration in Papua New Guinea

Product: Skyepack used to faciliate anthroplogical research and scientific exploration of Papua New Guinea


SkyePack is the perfect platform for creating and maintaining exploration archives. With geo-tagging capabilities, territories can be trekked more efficiently and stored for easy future look-up.


Public SkyePacks can then be maintained by worldwide explorers. This cloud database will determine the foundation for future explorations.

According to recent data, 841 different languages are listed for the country with just as many different societies. [1] This creates demand for wealths of information.


The country is one of the world's least explored, culturally and geographically, and many undiscovered species of plants and animals are thought to exist in the interior of Papua New Guinea. [2]


With 110,000 active internet users, this country is one of the more "connected" islands in Oceania. [3]


Example uses:



There are many species yet to be identified in this country. Keeping track of the all the new species and possible sitings will be easily enabled through a SkyePack collaborative classroom extension.


Through the use of forum style discussion boards, new species and unresolved sitings can be thoroughly documented and catalogued using SkyePack.



Interacting with different tribes can be difficult and sometimes dangerous. Researches and explorers can share their experiences after the return from their trips to better accomodate future explorers. Profiles, images, customs, etc. can be updated into the SkyePack. This material is then easily converted into quiz format so that the user can truly learn the culture before even the first encounter.


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