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Distance Learning in New Zealand

Product: Skyepack used to export New Zealand's education across the globe.


SkyePack will be the lead the next revolution in electronic learning for K through 12 education levels. New Zealand inhabitants are already purchasing similar services for children that cannot attend traditional school due to disability or geographic isolation. SkyePack will lead the way in taking the classroom engagement to the next level with social media integration and customized "packs" for different levels of a child's education.


By extending the product from the local level to the global level, SkyePack will lead the way in exporting one of New Zealand's greatest competitive advantages: education systems that deliver results.


New Zealand has the 7th best education system in the world. [1] We see this as an unutilized export.


This place is a perfect perfect microcosm of a global community. Some cities have more than 50% immigrants represented by almost every country in the world. [2]


New Zealand is already established as the "guinea pig for global tech firms" such as Google and Facebook. [2]


The demand for distance learning is also seen in the local community. New Zealand’s Correspondence School has around 16,000 enrollments including students in child and adult levels. [3]


Example uses:



With New Zealand's seal of approval, professionals can get graduate degrees at their own pace, in the convenience of their own homes, and receive the same quality offered from traditional schools.


SkyePack is already gaining credibility in educational institions as an equitable substitute for traditional classroom learning. Combined with the world class education available in New Zealand, SkyePack will enable the next generation of education beyond just early adopters and innovators. SkyePack is ready to go mainstream, and New Zealand provides the perfect ecosystem to do just that with it's high internet connectivity and young professional population.




SkyePack can take education affordability to the next level. With over 50% of the entire population of New Zealand holding a tertiary degree, allowing individuals to teach their own courses will put SkyePack on the leading edge of education reform.


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